Welcome to “This is a Bible | Refresher Course”! During this course we will reinforce our macro view of the Bible.Understanding context is critical to the learning process. “This is a Bible” refers to a statement made by legendary football coach Vince Lombardi. At the start of every season he would give a speech to his players (rookies and veterans alike) starting with, “This is a football” while holding a football up. He was reinforcing the idea that the fundamentals are the foundation upon which everything else is built. Knowing the macro view of the Bible lays the foundation upon which further learning is built. This course is the practice of going over Biblical fundamentals. On top of that, each student will give an oral presentation in front of the class. The idea is to understand the Bible so well that it can be entirely summarized in just a few minutes.
The Tabernacle of Moses is one of my favorite subjects to teach because it shows how much God revealed Jesus Christ thousands of years before His arrival. In this series you will learn the necessary basics to the Tabernacle. The series is called, “The Tent” because that is exactly what it was. It was a portable place that God’s presence dwelled while on their journey to their permanent destination. The symbolism is mind blowing. Well worth your time to learn about this subject. Enjoy!
Consider this a three part ministry meeting. It is designed to help the church understand the “why” and the “what” of ministry. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to attend. The hope is to inspire men and women to rise up and help the congregation grow by using their talents and abilities.
Learn the fundamentals of Christian living. Gain an appreciation of the commission to teach new converts. Teach teachers how to teach new converts. Make tools/recourses available to teachers for future reference.
King David is a major part of the history of God’s people. In this series we will explore why God considered David a man after God’s own heart. We will get to know one of the most prominent men in the Bible. King David’s successes and failures will be lessons we can apply to our own life.
Entry level Sunday School series designed to teach a basic understanding of Bible history from Genesis to Revelation. The class teaches several approaches using timelines to gain a macro level view of the Bible. The purpose is to help the student understand context at any give place in the Bible.