The best program in the world for kids is the saved parent. Parents create the culture that molds children into their future selves. But many times the parents are learning how to be Christians at the same time their kids are learning. So, the church has an important role in the spiritual development of the children as well. Thus, “Frontier for Kids” was conceived. Traditional Sunday School programs tend to just occupy time while the adults do the “real” learning. Drawing, arts and crafts, and crossword puzzles have their place, I guess. But, what if there was and environment where learning about the Bible and how to navigate life was an adventure? A real adventure. So much an adventure that kids begged their parents to go. What if? Well, that is the vision and purpose of Frontier for Kids. A place where kids will be challenged to learn. A place where boys can learn by competing, working with their hands, and male influence. A place where girls can learn by expressing themselves, modeling godly women in the Bible, and by receiving help from female influence. What if Frontier was so attractive and challenging that kids from school and the local neighborhood wanted to go? What if Frontier was a place that kids desired to rise up through the ranks? That “What if” is going to become a reality with the help and inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the teachers that are willing to lead the adventure. I pray that it will be so!